Good Night Manger is a hardback book written by Laura Sassi and illustrated by Jane Chapman. This book tells the story of a night when baby Jesus couldn’t sleep. The rhyming words describe how the noises in the stable makes baby Jesus cry and then how the animals and visitors try to help Mary and Joseph get him to sleep.
Waaawh! “SHH” brays Donkey.” Time for bed. Here’s a pillow for your head.
Hay smells sweet. But how it itches! Baby wriggles, squirms and twitches.
Who knew how crazy that stable was when Jesus’ was born?
What a great story to start a Christmas Eve or bedtime tradition with.
Check out this book and other great titles at Zondervan.
Disclaimer: I received the above mentioned product in exchange for a frank and honest review. A positive review is not guaranteed. All opinions are my own. Your results and opinions may vary.
Thank you to ZonderKids for this opportunity.
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