Thursday, February 6, 2014

Three Things Thursday~2/6/14

  Here we are again for Three Things Thursday!  I can’t believe that the week has passed!  We have been so busy I guess that it has  just flown by.   Here at Clubb Academy we haven’t had any snow days nor do we have to do any blizzard bags as some of the brick and mortar school have to.  I have to say that we have been cooped up with the unusually cold weather here, so I thought that I would share three things that I dislike about winter that you may or may not know about me.  So here goes:

1)   I dislike being cold and the cold temperatures.  I am tired of wearing 2 shirts,  pair of sweatpants and really thick socks around my house ( and it is 68 degrees not artic in here).  I switched my hot chocolate drinking to hot lemon water.  With as much hot chocolate as we have been drinking around here we may have to roll out of the house in the spring!

2)  I dislike the ice and snow on the roads and in my trees.  I am hoping that we don’t loose any trees this year with the ice pulling our evergreen branches to the ground.  It looks as if they are very sad under the weight of the ice and snow.  I feel trapped in my house because I don’t drive when the roads are bad.  I have tried it a couple of times and it hasn’t resulted in anything good and it usually adds a tow bill somewhere.  I figured I could spare that if I just stayed home.

3)   I dislike having to go out several times a day to change out the water for the animals.  I am grateful for the electric heaters we have for the dogs and the chickens.  How did anyone get along with out them?  We do not have heated rabbit water bottles so we have to switch them out a couple of  times a day.
     So there you have 3 things I dislike about winter!  I hope you enjoyed.  If you would like to join Three Things Thursday or check out what others are saying hop on over to Heidi’s Head by clicking here!


  1. I dislike winter too, for all of those reasons (except the outside pets one). I'm so ready for spring!

    1. We are supposed to get more snow here this week too :( Stay warm and toasty!
