With the beginning of the school year around the next bend, I am going to share our curriculum choices for this year. Starting out I will let you in on a bit about our homeschool. First, we school mostly year round. However, our summer is a lighter schedule. We start our new books in the fall-ish time (usually sometime in August) and go until the end of July. Why does it take us so long? First of all, we take days off as family days, we take vacations and day trips, we work on 4-H projects and finally when those appointments come up there isn’t any stress about school work-we just take the day off! It all comes out to the same number of days. Secondly, we do some of our subjects together as a family or in groups, like Bible, history or science. Finally, we try to pick our curriculum and then stick to it for the year. This will not always be the case but we try to work this way. It is less confusing, less expensive and obviously more consistent. So what do we use? I am not a boxed curriculum homeschool momma per se. We have used them however I prefer to be able to pick and choose exactly what we are learning. Below is our list for the upcoming year by grade. I have included a link to the website where applicable. Not all of our subjects are purchased curriculums and we also use library books and resources, as well as other supplemental resources like Knowledge Box Central, Currclick, or Timez Attack. Maybe you will find something in this list useful in your homeschool! I hope that you have an amazing year!
It's all in the bags! Check out what we will be working on this year!
High School-Sophmore
(No specific book)
Jr High (8th grade)
Health/PE -Training for 5K, nutrition
Music~Guitar with music history including composers
(this I do not have a set book for)
Middle School (5th grade)
Health/PE-Nutrition and the importance of exercise
Music~ Trumpet including basic
(No specific book)
Elementary (3rd grade)
Bible-Positive Action For Christ (Building Life
Science- (Apologia Exploring creation with Astronomy)
(No Specific book)
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