Saturday, January 11, 2014

Friday fun~Roller Skating

       I think that gym class is one of my kids favorite classes!  Of course that would be next to lunch and recess, if these would be considered actual classes.  So what does a homeschooler do for gym?  This is going to vary from family to family and season to season as most homeschoolers don't have a huge gym with all the equipment in their basements.  We do lots of things.  My kiddos get on the treadmill, dance, play ball, hike and then of course roller skate!
     I remember going to the skating rink as a kid.  I wouldn’t say that I went a lot however I did go.  It was one of the things to do in our small town of Loveland, Ohio.  It has grown over the past couple of years since I moved Smile.  It has kept it’s Castle Skateland!

 This is what Castle skateland looks like on the outside.  I was always amazed with the building.  We actually have two “castles” in Loveland.  We have this one and then a real one the Loveland Castle.  I will share that one another time.
    This is what the Castle Skateland looks like on the inside.  Yep I bet it looks similar to other skate rinks.
          The skaters were of all different ages including adults and most were really great on their skates.  This of course is not including me Smile  I was very proud that I didn’t have any crashes when we left, however it may have something to do with the fact that I did hug the wall a lot.  I even had the “ref” or what ever her title was that skated with us come up to me and tell me that you weren’t supposed to stop at the wall.  Who knew that you couldn’t lean on the wall the whole way around?  It has be probably 25 years since I was on rollers skates.  Being 40+ as my kiddos now tell me I have to take these things slow Smile    I was so impressed with Joe and my boys.  It has been about the same time since Joe was on skates and my boys had never been to a skating rink in their life!  We do have inline skates that they have taken maybe a half a dozen times to the park, however they don’t take them often because there aren’t any to share.

        The pic below was one of my favorites of the day.  Joe going around the rink with Cecelia.  Isn’t that sweet!


Finally this is a picture of us outside on the front side of the castle. 

Hope you have enjoyed sharing our outing!

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