From the pastor's desk appears weekly in our church flyer, as I am sure it does in many. This week's topic hit home (as many do for me). I am going to share it...
Wasted time is not a prized priority in American society. We are a people ruled by a clock (or schedule). Time is money because time is to be filled with purposeful, controlled activity which is productive of things that can be sold. Therefore, we are convinced that we must be in control of time. The last thing the productive American would want to do is waste time, playing around with realities that do not produce a saleable commodity.
However, to God, time is a leisurely, creative activity. That's why the creation stories in the book of Genesis are so riveting. As we live our life we should focus on more creative aspects and less on the productive.
Here were some of my thoughts that came to mind as I was reading and reflecting...
I would love to work into my school day more creative time. I have never considered myself a scheduler/planner. I have never considered myself good with time, or organized at all! I have received many questions and comments over the years such as: " How do you do it all?" or "You are one busy lady!" sometimes it's "I couldn't to all that!" or "I am glad that my children are in school so I have the time to do what I need to get done". I personally love taking the caddies with me! MOST of the time they are amazing help when I am out! I have found that I guess I am a scheduler.
When I am purchasing curriculum I make sure that I have the teacher's manuals/guides when I buy my curriculum so that I can stay on task. Now it doesn't mean that I follow each day exactly as the curriculum warrants. I do however have a planner for the caddies and I do use them to try to stay somewhat on task. When life throws a curve ball as it sometimes does or the schedule is thrown out of sorts for a few days it does make a stressful time for me. I want to make sure we get done what needs to get done. I have however relaxed a bit now that I used the planners since we have it on paper what we are to do. As long as we get it done before next year who cares if I follow my week exactly, right?
I do find myself at times though, not taking the time for the fun, creative, leisurely things in life. I find myself saying that if we get this done today we can do something relaxing tomorrow. Do you? Do you find that your things to do list is always growing? My motto or thought had been why put off till tomorrow what you can get done today. Then tomorrow you can start something else, right? Maybe I should add some fun activities into my schedule board I made for the caddies (see earlier post) If God took the 7th day of creation to relax and enjoy what he created should we not take a day or two a month? Are we not to keep holy the Sabbath? I am planning with the new year that we are turning our Sundays back over to God. In the past we just gave our mornings to him. We went to church and Sunday school, however as soon as we got home it was back to the grind of lunch then what work can we do today! With the New Year well into the first month we have started relaxing and doing family things on Sundays, even if this is only playing board games. Enjoying our beautiful family (if I may say so myself) that God has blessed us with and enjoying this amazing world that he created for us.
Plan on spending time with your family too!
Blessings from the Clubbhouse
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