I was so intrigued when I saw this title and read the summary of the book! I am always looking for good Christian books that will help guide my daughter as she grows into the woman God wants her to be. I feel there is more pressure on girls today to be someone they are not. Nicole was a model and had everything she thought she wanted from the time she was little. She had wanted one of those fancy stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and was on her way to reaching that goal when she landed an ad job for a radio station. She didn’t know what that life would exactly look like at all when she dreamed of it as a young child, and she personally found out that that way of life was not what she really wanted.
Nicole uses her story of gaining that fame and life “She wanted” to start her mission of what God wanted for her life. She launched www.Projectinspired.com as a result of her experiences. She wanted to create a safe place for teen girls to talk about teen topics in a safe place away from bullying and pressures of the world. She wanted a space where girls could come talk about things like boys and fashion from a Christian perspective.
Back to the book now, throughout it’s 12 chapters Nicole uses bible verses, tips and personal experiences to talk to young women (many things in this book could apply to any woman, I think). She talks about things like True Beauty and your Wardrobe Essentials, Defining your Look and must have accessories and finally Boys, heartbreak and relationships. When I first saw the topics in the book, I was a little leery. I have always told my kids that if someone is worried about the brand you are wearing, the makeup you don’t have on yet or who you are dating they may not be your true friends. I wasn’t sure a book that focused or talked about such materialistic things would be a good one. I was wrong! Thank you to Nicole for writing a book (and launching the site) focusing positively on teen girls! Life during these ages is so crazy and so delicate with hormones, maturing and finding your place teen girls need a place they can feel safe and get support and advice from a Christian, accepting place.
I would recommend this book to girls and young women ages 13 and up.
One thing I LOVE was Nicole’s tips for dating. Specifically dating or not dating until you are 18. This is something that I think we don’t stress enough. I hear so many kids at such young ages talking about boy/girl friends it saddens me. I teach Sunday School to 2nd graders and guess what? They are already talking this way! Yep at 8 years old! There is so much time to find out that part of your life. Your relationship change so much from a childhood one to an adult one as we mature. There is so much drama associated with teen romances that I feel are unnecessary. Thank you Nicole for stating this also!
Thank you to ZonderKids for allowing me the opportunity to review this book!
I received the above mentioned product in exchange for a frank and honest review. A positive review is not guaranteed. All opinions are my own. Your opinions or results may vary. No other compensation was received.
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