From the back of the book: “A Supernatural Angelic Adventure! Guardian angles, diving messengers, fiery spirits, winged cherubim. The realm where these beings live in invisible. Most of the time, so are the angels themselves. re they real? What do we really know about them?
Angels: a 90-day devotional about God’s messengers explores over 100 Bible passages in which angels make an appearance. In addition, there are many questions and answers an exploration of myths and truths, hymns, Bible story retellings, pop culture references, and trivia that help readers sort fact from fiction. Through biblical scholarship aimed at ages nine and up, readers will have a better idea of what angels are and how God uses them as part of his heavenly kingdom, as well as gain understanding of God’s interne for us here on Earth.”
The book is sectioned for each day and filled with verses, questions and answers. Christa does a awesome job answering questions that we have heard, asked or wondered at some point in our lives like Are angels female? Are angels demons? or Why did some of the angels fall? These are only some of the questions that are discussed with in this book. I love the digging a little deeper questions after each devotion as well. For example, in the devotion that talks about the angel of death, one of the questions in the digging deeper section is: If you could life Methuselah’s lifespan (969 years) would you? Why? This is a great opportunity to think about our lives. What would it look like if we lived that long in todays society?
This is a great book that I would recommend to anyone wanting to explore Angels!
Thanks to ZonderKids for the opportunity to review this book!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a frank and honest review. A positive review is not guaranteed. All opinions are my own. Your results and opinions may vary. No other compensation was received.
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