Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

   This time of year (as every other New Years Eve)  you hear people talking about things they are going to start in the new year….
                               I am going to eat healthier/loose weight …

                               I am going to actually use my gym membership
                               I am going to start cleaning and decluttering my house/office
                            I am going to make it a point to spend more time…
                               …..with family…doing “said” thing
     You may or may not have heard the song by Tim McGraw, “My Next 30 Years”.  It starts out “I think I’ll take a moment to celebrate my age,  end of an era, the turning of a page.”  The song talks about different things in the past like drinking to many beers and staying up late, not eating healthy foods and the like.  I have to say I love this song as I think that it relates to so many people!
     Every year on New Year’s Eve, I am sure that the next 30 years’ later verses relate to those same people, in the form of resolutions.    As the song goes on it talks about drinking more lemonade (not so many beers) and eating more salads, and not staying up so late, raising a family and so on.  Every time I hear this song I have to laugh to myself.  I think of all the old broken resolutions and new ones that will be made on New Year’s Eve.
            I have a question…   
     Why is it that such a big deal is made about those resolutions? 
      The older I have gotten I have realized that we are so blessed to wake up to a new day. Each new day is a gift that you are not guaranteed to get again.  I think that instead of making a list, and if we are being honest with ourselves it won’t last the whole year (maybe not even for the month of January!)  we need to focus on each day.  Each day is a new gift that we can do with as we choose.  We can choose to make it better for ourselves or others.  We can start a with a clean slate. 

        Start off 2017 by making a resolution to yourself..…  to be the best that you can be!
             …..  start each day looking in the mirror and at yourself.  Asking yourself  what can I change today
       ..... how can I help someone today, make their day a bit easier or brighter:  your spouse, child, parent, friend, neighbor or stranger.

      …How can I ensure to those people that matter to me that they are an important part of my life 
       …What do I need to do to become that person that I was ment to be? 
      Just something to think about because as I said a few paragraphs up, you are not guaranteed a tomorrow.  Make your today, the present time,  the true gift to yourself and all those that you come in contact with, count.  Embracing what time we have, treasuring those important to us and using our time to the wisest, fullest capacity that we have.

                       Wishing you many blessing in the new year to come!

                                                             Happy New Year! 

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