Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tasty Tuesdays-Grilled Pizza!

Can you guess what we had for dinner tonight?  Grilled pizza and salads!  Here on the farm we love to grill and charcoal grill at that.  We like the flavor of the charcoal better than gas even though it takes longer to heat up.  Zakery has asked several time to try to grill a pizza. That just sounded like a huge mess to me so we hadn't tried it.  Now Luke is taking a grilling project for 4-h and in there is a recipe for grilled pita pocket pizzas.  So tonight we made them!  Now they weren't Larosa's (which is our favorite) but they were really good!

First, we assembled them: Pizza sauce, cheese, pepperoni, bacon and pineapple were the choices.  Yep the caddies also wanted one with all the choices in one.  We wrapped them in foil and labeled them so that we knew what was inside of each foil pack.  Can you see this "B"?  They really weren't as hard to read as this picture is. 


                                              Next, we put them on the already heated grill.

                   We heated them for 10 minutes then started to check them to see if they were warmed up.  Our grill was a weaker heat at barely 300 degrees so it took about 25 minutes. We didn't have as much charcoal as we had thought.  The recipe said that it would take about 10.

                                                        Check this out, doesn't it look tasty?

 Now I know it probably sounds funny, but I do not eat meat.  Yep I live on a farm, raise chickens and grow a garden (one day hopefully we will add goats too!)  However, I do not eat meat.  I don't claim to be a vegetarian or vegan but I currently don't eat meat.  Silly?  Maybe.  Anyhow, in my pizza pocket I had black beans and cheese, yum!

  I am soooo looking forward to the rest of the grilling that will be done with this specific project! The caddies also want to try grilled tacos. Not sure how that will turn out but now we are up for trying it out!

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