The book is an account, in my opinion, of her summer on the ranch: cows in a ravine and road, stranger popping over in the wee hours to let you know your animals are out, sick animals and newbies just born are all a part of this new lifestyle Juliette has been moved into. I enjoyed reading about her adventure, however, it wasn’t as exciting as I thought it would have been with the creative title. Let me explain…I live in a rural area and have experienced a lot of the agriculture mishaps and “adventures” that come with that lifestyle. Every day on the farm is an adventure when you are raising animals.The experiences that Juliette and her mom experience are all part of the adventure of life on a ranch or farm.
A great story for those who have never experienced farm or ranch life. I can attest that this is really what life is like when raising animals!
You can check out this title and other great titles at Zondervan!
Thank you to ZonderKidz for the opportunity to review this book!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of the above mentioned book, in exchange for a frank and honest review. A positive review is not guaranteed. All opinions are my own. Your results and opinions my differ.
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