We as parents are our children’s first teachers. We are always eager to hear their first words and witness all their “Firsts”. What about their “Firsts” of their spiritual journey? Were you excited to read the first bible story to them out of that chubby cardboard book? What about when they were old enough to recite there first bible story to you or when they said their first heartfelt prayer? Isn’t that just as, if not more important? There are many bible books and bible studies out there for children.
Believe Kids Edition ( Randy Frazee general editor), is a great book that will help your child aged 8-12, on their spiritual journey. Laid out like a bible study, the book broken down into 3 sections: Think, Act and Be.
Each of these sections has 10 chapter sections. Think, the first section focuses on the What do I believe? Act, the second section, focuses on the What should I do? Finally Be, the third section, focuses on the Who am I becoming?
The chapters are 6 pages and consists of several sections: the keys, Think about it, Introductions, Core Truths and discussion questions. The Keys includes a key questions, idea and a verse, while the Think about it, summarizes the coming beliefs. Moving on to the introductions, they set up the coming bible story and pull things together. The core truths are written in blue to point them out in each story. The core truths explain the passage and the truths with in each one. Finally the discussion questions are there to help kids explore the meaning of the scriptures they have just learned and how each one is important in our lives.
What a great first bible study for your children ages 8-12. It is never too young to give them a boost on their spiritual journey. When paired with the Believe for Adults, and the Believe for Students you whole family could start a family study, getting to the word and learning how to think, act and be like Jesus together!
You can check out this book, others in the series or the entire ZonderKids library by clicking here!
Thank you to ZonderKids for this opportunity!
I received a copy of the above mentioned product in exchange for a frank and honest review. A positive review is not guaranteed. All opinions are my own. Your results and opinions may vary.
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