I know that I have said this before, but I LOVED SCIENCE! When I was in school science and math were my favorite subjects. I remember my high school and college classes the most probably for the obvious reason that they are closer in my memory. Anyhow, when we were talking biology and cells our teacher had a slide show she projected on the ceiling of our classroom to the tune of dancing on the ceiling! Then we had chemistry, where I loved our chemistry teacher! I have always been intrigued by the body and how it works, so anatomy was one of my top classes in college, as far as my feelings on classes. I wasn’t a great student in the fact that I had a comprehension problem (now I would say ADD!). I would work for several hours each night for each lesson for each subject.
school. What is it? It is Apologia. I have posted about our Anatomy class in the past with one of the exercises we did. 4 years from the time we started we are still going strong with it! My oldest said that he loved his physical science when he hit junior high and Physical Science because the books are written as if the author is having a conversation with you. He said that it is a easy read. Just a bonus for us!
This year we are doing Chemistry, Physical Science and Astronomy Jr for the klan here. The younger two do the same lesson together right now. Each lesson is broken down into the lesson part and an experiment/activity part. The younger levels have lap books that you can do if you would like, they are an extra charge and optional/supplemental. We use them! For the older levels there is a study guide/review and then tests at the end of each level.
What is a lapbook you are asking? As you can see from the picture on the right, they are colorful books filled with a lot of information. As we work thru the Elementary level science books we use the lap book information to make a colorful study guide. They make great keepsakes for when the kids want to look back on the school days as well! How do you do them? Once you purchase them you literally print out what you need for that lesson and it tells you where to put it in the book and what it should have inside of the little mini book! Lap books can be purchased from many websites and even at times in hard copy form at the homeschool convention. Two of my favorite sites are Currclick (www.currclick.com) and Knowledge Box Central (www.knowlegeboxcentral.com). I have purchased these lap books from them. Guess what? If you don’t feel like all the cutting a pasting of the pages you can purchased them already put together!
If you wan to check out a science curriculum or need to for one reason or another check out Apologia (www.apologia.com) This program has been very helpful in fulfilling our science needs!
cool. http:/www./mydiaryasagrowinggirl.blogspot.com/