Body & Soul A Girl’s Guide to Fit, Fun and Fabulous by Bethany Hamilton with her trainer Dustin Dillberg is an inspiring book for any preteen or teen. Bethany talks about nutrition, exercise and overall being good to your body. She shares her spiritual walk and encourages girls to be the best they can be! What an inspiration and message. All too many times I have seen where your sports have become too competitive with others and not enough about self competition. You are always as good as God made you to be. You shouldn’t compare yourself with others, instead you should set goals against yourself. She emphasizes this including kicking it up a notch with yourself!
Bethany has the book laid out in and easy to read, colorful and fun way. Perfect for that preteen-teen in your life. She uses her experience and determination as an example to express how you should eat and exercise as well as the importance of it. Included in the second half of the book is a chapter on nutrition and a second one on exercises. Tucked in the back are some of her delicious recipes that my daughter wanted to try as soon as she saw them. The flavored waters are really delicious and what a great way to get children in general drinking more water.
I am not a fan of emphasizing the way that we look so much as the idea of being healthy. Bethany stresses that your body is a gift and explains how and why we need to take care of it. I think that this is a great way to talk to our young daughters/nieces/granddaughters or whoever the special young lady is in our lives and start a healthy approach to taking care of our selves. There is so much negative media out there that has caused trouble for so many of our children. I feel that this book is a excellent resource that was tastefully written in an easy to read and understand format. I would recommend this book for anyone’s little lady.
You can purchase this book from Zondervan here.
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