It is that time again! I am so excited that our snow is melting, I have finally seen the grass for the first time, I think, this month! I have to say that Winter is probably my least favorite thing because of the cold and being stuck inside. I thought that maybe if I listed 3 things that I liked about winter it may leave
for good this year!
1. I love the snow. It is one of God’s most beautiful creations in my opinion. I look at it as God’s winter blanket for the world as it sleeps. I love the glistening that it does during the day when the sun is out. I love the fact that snowflakes are like people in the fact that no two are alike.
2. I love the extra time that the family has together because we slow down in the winter. There are less things to do (work or play) outside when the temperature dips and the snow comes. We watch more movies as a family, or host family game night (electronic or board games it doesn’t matter).
3. I actually like winter foods more than summer. That may sound weird especially since I am a fruit and veggies kind of girl over meat, which says light summer meals to me. However love cooking those hearty soups and stews for the family. My crock pot gets used year round but definitely more in the winter. Maybe it is just knowing that I am providing a good hearty meal for my family I don’t know. I just like to cook those Winter favorites dishes.
Here are three things that you may or may not have known about me. Want to join the hop? Would you like to read what my friends are saying? Hop on over to Heidi's Head!
Happy Thursday!
I'm learning to appreciate winter foods too - especially soups, which I didn't really enjoy as a kid. There are SOME good points to winter, I suppose.