As part of the Homeschool Mosaics team I was asked to review Spanish For You!, Fiesta package. I have to say that the timing couldn't have been better! I have been searching for an easy, but good foreign language curriculum for next school year. I took Spanish the last 2 years of high school. I wasn't very good at it and with it being lets just say a few years since then my Spanish is anything but fluent. I am definitely adding this to our curriculum lineup for next year! In reviewing this curriculum I had the privilege to a conference call with the author of the program Debbie Annett.
About the author:
*Certified teacher in Illinois
*taught for 14 years
*studied in Seville, Spain
*8 years of international business experience
*currently teaches Spanish classes for Tri-city Enrichment Homeschool Coop
*tutors students privately
*provides after school Spanish enrichment classes
About the product:*Spanish for you is curriculum for grades 3-8
*complete lesson plans
*written in an easy to follow format and can be used for multiple children at one time
*comes with adorable drawings in a black and white format, easy on the printer!
*covers a complete year of foreign language...
24 weeks for older kids and 30 for younger
*broken down into 10-30 minute lessons 4 days a week
*can be adapted to fit your own schedule
What you will get:
*24-30 week long lesson guide for appropriate grade(s).
*answer sheets
*audio files of the entire book (including bonus audio of native speaker of entire book) (MP3 download)
*flashcard/activity pictures (PDF download)
What I really liked about this curriculum:
Easy to read and follow layout
can be adapted to your schedule
audio pronunciations so there is no guessing on what the word is supposed to sound like
Where can you find the curriculum?
check it out here !
Currently you can purchase the curriculum for Estaciones (seasons) or Fiestas (celebrations) from the site. Debbie is offering trials in 4 or 6 weeks for Viajes (travels). You can try these out for only $9.99 or $12.99. You can purchase your complete curriculum on Feistas or Estaciones for the grades 3-4, 5-6 or 7-8 for only $39.95. However if you are teaching multiple grades your best deal is to purchase the complete 3rd-8th grades for only 64.95! Wow, a complete foreign language year for less than $70.00!
Where else can you fine Spanish for you? Check them out on Facebook!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of the above mentioned product to help facilitate the writing of a frank and honest review. A positive review is not guaranteed. All opinions are my own. Your results and opinions may vary.
Great review!It is a really good value for sure!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the value of this program too! UNBELIEVABLE...and all wrapped up in a fun children had a great time with it!