What is that? It is pronounced /keen wa/, and it is an ancient grain that has been grown in South America for thousands of years. It has been labeled as a super food and has 14 grams of protein in every 3.5 ounces!
How do you prepare it?
It is cooked on your stove just like rice (regular rice, not the minute rice). So you take one part of the quinoa to two parts of water or gluten free broth and bring it to boil. Once it is boiling you reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes or until liquid is dissolved. It is that easy!
What does it taste like?
Well, it has a very mild flavor when it is plain. It doesn’t look the best either according to my family. My hubby says that it looks like bird seed! When I make it, as you will see in my recipes, I mix it with different things like tomatoes or just spices. My favorite version so far is when it is mixed with stewed tomatoes! The funny thing about that is that I never really liked tomatoes until I started making them with the quinoa. I will share some recipes that I have made with it in the next few weeks.
Where can you find it?
I am pretty sure that most health or whole foods would have it. I purchase it mainly at my Kroger Marketplace. They have a nice sized health food section and I have actually found a lot of GF things there. It comes in a 16 oz bag and is about $6.00 or so a bag. When you are making it for one person it doesn’t seem too expensive. I have found it in regular, as I call it and tri color, which is the one pictured left above. Can you tell where my family thinks it is bird seed?
Don’t be shy! Give it a try and let me know what you think!